Just woke up after a great evening spent with my family here in Nyköping. We celebrated dad who turned 50 years old last week! Wow, time is flying by! I’m the happiest daughter alive just because you guys found each other,
â¡ Mom and Dad â¡
Hantlar som flyger, mat som noga väljs och kameror som smattrar! Detta är ingredienserna som har tagit mig från lilla Nyköping ut till era skärmar och stora världen på nolltid. Med ett leende på läpparna presenterar jag, Josefine Linnea Forsberg mig för er. Följ min resa mellan svettiga gympass, spännande modelluppdrag och planerade matkassar. Här skrapar jag på ytan, visar er det hårda slitet bakom och den ljuva belöningen efter, det jag väljer att kalla mitt liv och min dröm!
Haha a bomb of cheatfood, AMAZING! Pics by Kevin
Yesterday I celebrated Midsummer with my nearest friends. At first we’d planned to be in Nyköping, out at the sea with my family. But the weather was to bad so we decided to go to Skansen and Gröna Lund instead. What a great idea! We just walked around, eating nice food and enjoyed a great day. Sometimes we don’t need more than each other. AND some sugar ;D
Today I’m going to Nyköping for a dinner with my parents. I miss them a lot after not seeing them for a great while.
Hope you had the best day yesterday <3
Photo by Lisa Hökk