Josefine Forsberg





Yeeey! I’m back where I belong! Have you missed seeing me in workmode? I haven’t posted so much about my photoshoots and work this past few weeks. It has been 100% vacation and I’m so glad that I can take that time for myself sometimes.

Maybe you didn’t know. But people who work with social media almost never can take a break for themselves. We’re constantly obligated (by own choice of career) to always update. Sometimes we need to just drop every thought about work and enjoy the moment. ♡

BUT NOW, I’m back in the studio shooting with my friend Felix!





Don’t forget to put on some sunscreen before going out in the sun!! I use products from Renlive
. Both for cleaning my face before bed and before going out in the sun. Your tan will be so much more nice and last longer if you put on some screen! I do it many times per day when I spend time in the sun!

Take care of your skin ♡




Yeees we made it!

This post is for my Swedish followers! So here we gooo…

Heeeej mina fina! Länge sen jag skrev ett inlägg på svenska. Saknar ni det? Eller tycker ni det går lika bra med enbart engelsk text? Det är för er jag skriver så dela gärna med er om era åsikter!!

Nu vill jag faktiskt dela med mig utav ett riktigt smarrigt recept för er som har lust att släppa på tyglarna lite vad gäller hälsospåret, haha!

Som ni säkert såg igår så fick vi vääärsta fångsten av kantareller i Nyköpings skogar, och här har ni resultatet. Det var så gott att jag såg i kors.

Här kommer receptet:

Stuvad svamp 15-30 min / 4 portioner

– Rensad svamp 1 liter
– Smör 1-2 msk
– Finhackad gullök 1-2 msk
– Vetemjöl 3 msk
– Grädde och / eller mjölk
–  salt 1/2 tsk
– Vitpeppar 1 krm

Grädde ger en kladdigare stuvning och mjölk en lite mer rinnigare stuvning. Både funkar men ska du köra med mjölk så välj röd mjölk för att undvika att stuvningen blir allt för tunn.

Gör såhär:

– Skär svampen i mindre bitar
– Fräs matfettet i en kastrull. Tillsätt svampen och löken (om du vill ha lök).
– LÃ¥t svampen smÃ¥koka tills all vätska kokat in, och det börjar dofta gott frÃ¥n svampen
– Strö pÃ¥ mjölet och häll sedan i grädden / mjölken
– LÃ¥t stuvningen koka nÃ¥gra minuter
– Smaka av och tillsätt salt och peppar efter eget behag
– Servera pÃ¥ toastbröd och toppa med lite ost

BOOOOM! Det är VÄRT det. Promise ☆












Photo taken with: Olympus Pen Lite 7

Home from Barca and straight to my family in Nyköping. Yesterday we spent the day with my brother and cousins. We ate lunch at this cozy restaurant that my brothers girlfriend manages. In the evening we went to a mountain and put on some of our favorite music and just danced. It was spontanious and freaking awesome! 

Today we’ve been in the woods looking for mushrooms, and guess what? We found a lot! And it was the best mid-day snack ever! Mushrooms on toasted bread is to die for!

I’m so glad and thankful for my amazing family. It’s always so nice to come back and feel the love from everyone. ♡


Goodmorning everyone!

I’m back home. It has been the best weeks of the year. First I had an amazing week spending with Alex and his family in Turkey, a week of 100% harmony! Every time we are there we start the day at the beach followed by a good training session at the gym. The evenings is always full of relaxing, just chilling at the balcony and talk about life, simple and wonderful.
Then we took a flight to Barcelona and had such a great time with our friends. The first week was full of party and happy moments. We went to Matinée Summer Festival wich was the craziest festival I’ve ever been on. The feeling of dancing in the water and just enjoy the heat and the music was absolutely indescribable ♡ Our last week has been a week full of workout, rest, good dinners and sooo much icecream heeehe!

I’m so grateful and thankful for everything that I experienced these three weeks, SO MUCH LOVE

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